!DOCTYPE = html
html {
    head {
        meta(http-equiv = content-type
             content    = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
        title = libxmq
        link(type = text/css
             href = resources/style.css
             rel  = stylesheet)
        link(type = text/css
             href = resources/xmq.css
             rel  = stylesheet)
        script(type = text/javascript
               src  = resources/code.js) = ''
        meta(name          = viewport
             content       = width=device-width
             initial-scale = 1.0)
    body(onload = 'checkBackgroundSetting();')
        h1 = 'XMQ - a configuration language, data-storage language, logging language compatible with  xml/html and json.'
        i  = ( 'by Fredrik Öhrström (last updated '
               ') oehrstroem@gmail.com' )
        form(id      = upload
             method  = post
             enctype = multipart/form-data
             action  = view?light)
            button(type    = button
                   title   = 'Set functional cookie background=dark'
                   onClick = 'goDark();') = 'Dark Mode'
            ' '
            button(type    = button
                   title   = 'Set functional cookie background=light'
                   onClick = 'goLight();') = 'Light Mode'
            ' '
            input(name     = uploadFile
                  id       = uploadFile
                  type     = file
                  onchange = 'form.submit()'
            button(type    = button
                   title   = 'Max 200KB, logs cleared after 30 days.'
                   onclick = '''document.getElementById('uploadFile').click()''') = 'Upload your own XML/HTML/JSON and render as XMQ'
        div {
            a(href = https://github.com/libxmq/xmq/releases/latest) = '[Download Executables]'
            '  '
            a(href = https://github.com/libxmq/xmq) = [Github]
            '  '
            a(href = xmq.pdf) = [Grammar]
            '  '
            a(href = https://github.com/orgs/libxmq/discussions) = [Forum/Discussions]
        ' '
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = ( &SHIPORDER_XML;
        p = 'The XMQ format is easier for a human to read and write than XML/HTML yet it
             captures exactly the XML/HTML content. It can always be safely pretty printed
             without introducing significant whitespace. The file-suffix HTMQ is used
             when working with HTML in the XMQ format. XMQ also maps to JSON.'
        ' '
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = &WEBCONFIG_JSON;
        div {
            'What does it look like? Click on the examples: '
            a(href = resources/index.htmq_xmq.html) = '[this page as htmq]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/pom.xml_xmq.html) = [pom]
            '  '
            a(href = resources/rss.xml_xmq.html) = [rss]
            '  '
            a(href = resources/diagonal.svg_xmq.html) = [svg]
            '  '
            a(href = resources/ibmpcjr_cart.xml_xmq.html) = '[mame cart driver]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/android_layout_main.xml_xmq.html) = '[android layout]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/jabber.xml_xmq.html) = [jabber]
            '  '
            a(href = resources/docx_example.xml_xmq.html) = [docx]
            '  '
            a(href = resources/odt_example.xml_xmq.html) = [odt]
            '  '
            a(href = resources/instances.json_xmq.html) = [json]
            '  '
            a(href = resources/xsd_example.xsd_xmq.html) = '[xsd schema definition]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/todos.xslt_xmq.html) = '[xslt transform]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/soap_response.xml_xmq.html) = '[soap response]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/java_pojo.xml_xmq.html) = '[java pojo jackson]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/saml_idp_metadata.xml_xmq.html) = '[saml idp metadata]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/saml_authn_response.xml_xmq.html) = '[saml authn_response]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/SEQLXML26.xml_xmq.html) = '[WIPO ST.26_sequence listing xmq]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/thresholds.xml_xmq.html) = '[Imagemagick thresholds xmq]'
            '  '
            a(href = resources/crazy.xml_xmq.html) = '[Heartbeat Cluster Configuration xmq]'
        a(href = languages.html) = 'An exposé of existing markup/data-storage/xml-shorthand languages.'
        p {
            'Upload your own xml/html/json file and render it as xmq on-line: '
            button(type    = button
                   title   = 'Max 200KB, logs cleared after 30 days.'
                   onclick = '''document.getElementById('uploadFile').click()''') = 'Upload XML/HTML/JSON'
        p {
            'You can use the standalone '
            a(href = https://github.com/libxmq/xmq/releases/latest)
                i = xmq
            ' tool to convert between xmq/xml/htmq/html/json  or include '
            a(href = https://github.com/libxmq/xmq/releases/latest) = xmq.h/xmq.c
            ' to use xmq directly from your program or in the future link to a prebuilt libxmq.
             With the xmq tool you can syntax highlight and pretty print XMQ (and thus indirectly XML and HTML).
             You can convert between XMQ/HTMQ and XML/HTML/JSON, you can apply XSLT transformations, replace
             entities with other XMQ/XML/JSON or quoted content, write raw text output and more...'
        pre = '''########## Pretty print as xmq using colors on terminal
                 xmq pom.xml
                 xmq data.json
                 xmq index.html

                 ########## Convert to xmq and store in file
                 xmq pom.xml > pom.xmq
                 xmq data.json > data.xmq

                 ########## Use the built in pager.
                 xmq pom.xml pa
                 cat data.json | xmq pa
                 xmq index.html delete //script delete //style pa
                 curl -s 'https://dummyjson.com/todos?limit=20'  | xmq pa

                 ########## View in your default browser.
                 xmq docbook.xml br
                 xmq data.json br
                 curl https://slashdot.org | xmq delete //script delete //style br

                 ########## Convert xmq to xml,html or json
                 xmq pom.xmq to-xml > pom.xml
                 xmq data.xmq to-json > data.json
                 xmq index.htmq to-html > index.html'''
        h2  = Background
        p   = 'XML can be human readable/editable if it is used for markup of longer
               human language texts, ie books, articles and other documents etc. In
               these cases the xml-tags represent a minor part of the whole xml-file.'
        p   = 'However XML is often used for data storage and
               configuration files (eg pom.xml).  In such files the
               xml-tags represent a major part of the whole
               xml-file. This makes the data storage and config files
               hard to read and edit directly by hand. Today, the tags
               are a major part of html files as well, which is one
               reason why html files are hard to read and edit.'
        p   = 'The other reason why XML/HTML is hard to edit by hand is because they
               have a complicated approach to dealing with significant
               whitespace. The truth is that you cannot always pretty print the
               XML/HTML code as you would like since it might introduce significant
               white space. In fact proper pretty printing even requires a full
               understanding of the DTD/XSD/CSS!'
        h2  = Solution
        p   = 'XMQ solves the verbosity of tags by using braces to avoid
               closing xml-tags and parentheses to surround the
               attributes. XMQ solves the whitespace confusion by
               requiring all intended whitespace to be quoted. There are a lot
               of details, of course, but let us begin with an example.'
        p {
            'Download/build the xmq executable for your platform, then
             download: '
            a(href = resources/shiporder.xmq) = shiporder.xmq
            a(href = resources/shiporder.xml) = shiporder.xml
            ' (Note that the xml is manually pretty printed.)'
        p {
            'To convert the XML to XMQ and pretty print with colors:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq shiporder.xml'
        p {
            'Use the page command if the source file is large:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq shiporder.xml page'
            'Press q or esc to exit pager. You can shorten the command to just pa.'
        p {
            'Use the browse command to start your default browser to view the content:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq shiporder.xml browse'
            'You can shorten the command to just br. Set the environement variable
             XMQ_THEME=darkbg or XMQ_THEME=lightbg to background color or XMQ_THEME=mono for no color.'
        p {
            'Use shell redirection to store the XMQ output in a file:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq shiporder.xml to-xmq > test.xmq'
            '(The to-xmq command is the default command and can be left out here.)'
        p {
            'To convert the XMQ to XML:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq shiporder.xmq to-xml > test.xml'
        ' '
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = ( &SHIPORDER_XML;
        p = 'The hierarchical style should look familiar, but note:'
        ul {
            li = 'XMQ files are always UTF8 encoded.'
            li = 'Safe values after = can be stored as plain text (see 889923 container), no quoting needed!'
            li = '''Unsafe values (after =) with newlines, whitespace or ( ) { } ' " or leading = & // /* must be quoted.'''
            li = 'Two single quotes always mean the empty string (see sailing).'
            li = 'In multiline quotes, the incidental indentation is removed (see address).'
            li = ''''
                 Quotes containing quotes are quoted using n+1 single quotes (see coord).
                 Note that two quotes are reserved for the empty string. You will therefore see a single
                 quote ' or three quotes ''' or more quotes.
            li = 'Single line comments use // and multi line comments use /* */.'
            li = 'Comments containing comments are commented using n+1 slashes (eg ///* *///).'
        p  = 'This means that you can quote any block of text (except invisible spaces near newlines) with enough single quotes and you
              can comment any block of text with enough slashes.'
        p  = 'The incidental indentation removal and n+1 quotes ideas originated in the expert group
              for JEP 378 Java Text blocks and was a collaborative effort led by Jim Laskey and Brian Goetz.
              The seed to the idea to separate desired whitespace from incidental(accidental) whitespace
              was planted by Kevin Bourrillion and the idea for n+1 quotes came from John Rose.
              Earlier languages supporting indentation removal are: YAML and HJSON.'
        h2 = 'XMQ as a configuration file'
        p {
            'XMQ permits multiple root nodes which means that if you use XMQ as your software config file format
             then the first iteration of your config file can be as simple as this:'
            a(href = resources/config.xmq) = config.xmq
        p = 'Every xmq file can be printed in compact form on a single line where whitespace between tokens is minimized.'
        p = 'The only permitted whitespace between tokens are space (ascii 32) and newlines (ascii 10 or 13 or 13 10).
             All other whitespace (including tabs) must be quoted. Let us take a look at shiporder in compact form.
             (Any linebreaks below are due to your browser.)'
        p {
            'You can see character entities like '
            xmqE = '
            ' for newlines and compound values like '
            xmqEK = address
            xmqCP = '('
            xmqQ  = '''
            xmqE  = '
            xmqQ  = '''
            xmqCP = ')'
            ' which normally is a multiline quote but where escaped newlines are intermingled with quotes to create the compact form.'
        p = 'You can read the config file using a simple C api. (You can also use the full libxml2 api if you like and future
             programming languages APIs will be coming.)'
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40')
            'XMQDoc *doc = '
            xmqQ = xmqNewDoc
             ok = '
            xmqQ = xmqParseFile
            '(doc, "config.xmq, "myconf"); assert(ok);
             server = '
            xmqQ = xmqGetString
            '(doc, "/myconf/server");
             port = '
            xmqQ = xmqGetInt
            '(doc, "/myconf/port");
             file = '
            xmqQ = xmqGetString
            '(doc, "/myconf/file");
             cron = '
            xmqQ = xmqGetString
            '(doc, "/myconf/cron");'
        p {
            'As you can see, XMQ can be trivial, which is nice for your first config file, but when your program
             grows in complexity, so can your config file. You do not have to convert your config
             file to xml, but if you want to then you can supply your implicit root (in this case myconf):'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq --root=myconf config.xmq to-xml > config.xml'
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w80') = &CONFIG_XML;
        h2 = 'Web pages and whitespace'
        p {
            'Now let us try some htmq/html:'
            a(href = resources/welcome_traveller.htmq) = welcome_traveller.htmq
            a(href = resources/welcome_traveller.html) = welcome_traveller.html
            ' (Note that the html is manually pretty printed.)'
        p {
            span(class = code) = 'xmq welcome_traveller.htmq pager'
        ' '
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w80') = &WELCOME_TRAVELLER_HTML;
        ul {
            li = '''Text that does not immediately follow an equal sign = is called a standalone quote
                    (see 'Rest here ...' and 'p until ...') and must always be quoted.
                    If you do not quote them, they will be interpreted as elements (see html body a h1).'''
            li = 'XMQ pretty printing is straightforward whereas the html line breaks are weird to prevent spaces inside the word sleep.'
            li = 'XMQ entities like ∇ (∇) must be outside of the quotes.'
            li = 'In the xmq it is obvious that there is exactly a single space between Say and the nabla.'
        p {
            'If you convert from htmq to html:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq welcome_traveller.htmq to-html'
            'Then you will see that xmq does not pretty print since it wants to preserve the xmq whitespace
             exactly as it was written. (Any linebreaks below are due to your browser.)
             Since you know exactly what whitespace you are feeding the browser (html) and other tools (xml)
             it will be easier to control their behaviour.'
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = &WELCOME_TRAVELLER_NOPP_HTML;
        p {
            'If you convert from the original manually pretty printed html above to htmq:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq welcome_traveller.html to-htmq'
            ' then you will see that the tool xmq by default trims
             whitespace using its own heuristic.  It keeps the
             original linebreaks but removes incidental indentation
             and leading/ending whitespace if the leader/ender contain
             newlines. This is the same rule xmq uses for trimming multiline quotes
             and comments. This heuristic usually works well but might in some
             situation remove significant spaces from XML sources which
             were not written with this in mind.'
        p {
            'You can also see that the ∇ was replaced with the actual ∇. This happened because
             it was character entity, which is just another kind of quote.
             If you want to preserve all whitespace and restore the html entities then do:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq --trim=none welcome_traveller.html to-htmq --escape-non-7bit'
        p  = 'As you can see there is quite a lot of whitespace in xml/html, which might or might not be
              significant/ignorable depending on your css and other settings. If you really want this whitespace then
              xmq will make it obvious.'
        h2 = 'Compact XMQ with multiline comments'
        p {
            'The opposite of xmq pretty printing is xmq compact printing with no indentation and no newlines: '
            span(class = code) = 'xmq welcome_traveller.htmq to-htmq --compact'
        p {
            'Even multiline comments can be printed as compact XMQ since */* means a newline.
             This is not possible with XML since there is no standardized way to escape newlines inside html/xml comments.'
            a(href = resources/multi.xmq) = multi.xmq
        p {
            span(class = code) = 'xmq multi.xmq to-xmq --compact'
        ' '
        p {
            'Note that, for historical reasons, xml/html does not permit two or more consecutive dashes inside a comment! This is
             quite a showstopper if you just want to comment out some large part of your document. As you
             can see two dashes are permitted in xmq-comments and the xmq tool works around
             this problem when converting to xml/html by adding a very specific char (␐) in such a way
             there are no two consecutive dashes in the xml. When loading from such xml, the char (␐) is
             instead removed to restore the two dashes.'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq multi.xmq to-xml'
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w80') = &MULTI_XML;
        h2 = 'Quoting and entities inside attributes'
        p  = '''For elements, a key=value is syntactic sugar for: key{'value'}
                For attributes, you can only write: key=value
                In the example below all content is: 123
                If the xmq tool detects that all children of an element are either text or entities,
                then it will present the element as a key value pair.'''
        p = 'XMQ is designed with the assumption that we rarely need significant leading/ending whitespace/quotes.
             However sometimes you have to have that. For an element value, you can express such whitespace in
             different ways:'
        p {
            'You can see the magenta colored parentheses '
            xmqCP = '( )'
            ' after the equal = sign. This is a compound value which can only consist of quotes and entities.
             Compound values are mandatory for the attribute values that need multiple quotes/entities since braces
             { } cannot be used inside an attribute value.'
        h2 = 'Viewing large html pages'
        p  = 'The xmq tool is useful to decode large html pages. Let us assume that you downloaded a large html page: index.html'
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = 'xmq index.html delete /html/head delete //style delete //script pager'
        p = 'This command will delete the head node and all style and script nodes, before using the pager to show you the htmq.
             The argument to delete is an xpath expression.'
        p {
            'There are other commands to modify the xmq. In particular you can see how this web page is constructed by
             replacing entities with text files or with xmq files. '
            a(href = resources/index_htmq.html) = index.htmq
        h2 = JSON
        a(id = json)
        p {
            'We can use the xmq tool to convert shiporder to json:'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq shiporder.xmq to-json | jq .'
            ' You can see that the xml element name is folded as the key "_":"shiporder" and
             attributes are folded as children prefixed with underscores.'
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = &SHIPORDER_JSON;
        p = 'If an XMQ value is a valid JSON number, true, false or null, then it is converted to
             the proper JSON value (no quotes) see "id":889923 . If you want to force a number to a JSON string,
             then add the S attribute: speed(S)=123 will translate into "speed":"123" .'
        p {
            'We can also use the xmq tool to parse json. '
            span(class = code) = '''curl -s 'https://dummyjson.com/todos?skip=4&limit=2' | xmq'''
            ' or '
            span(class = code) = 'xmq todos.json'
            a(href = resources/todos.xmq) = todos.xmq
            a(href = resources/todos.json) = todos.json
        p = 'A limitation of JSON is painfully visible as underline element names.
             The Javascript objects lack types which means that the JSON objects lacks type information
             and this results in the corresponding XMQ element get the anonymous name/type underscore _.
             If the JSON object contains a child _ with a name, then xmq will use this as the key instead,
             this enables proper back-forth conversion between XMQ and JSON.'
        ' '
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w80') = ( &TODOS_JSON;
        p = 'XMQ can read and generate json. The workflow is intended to be: 1) convert json to xmq 2) work on the data as xmq
             3) possibly write back to json. Some clean xml files (like pom.files) can be converted to clean json,
             worked on in json and then converted back to xmq. But if you convert generic xml/html with standalone text nodes
             and attributes to json, then the result is probably rather confusing since key values must be unique in json.'
        p = 'The xmq tool solves this by detecting non-unique element names and suffixing them with [0], [1], [2] etc.'
        ' '
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = ( &SIMPLE_PAGE_JSON;
        h2 = 'XSLT transforms'
        p {
            'XSLT transforms can be complicated when you have to deal with whitespace.
             Again the XMQ format solves this part of the XSLT complexity because the whitespace in XMQ is explicit.
             Let us convert the curled JSON directly into an HTML page using xmq and an xslq transform.'
            a(href = resources/todos.xslq) = todos.xslq
            a(href = resources/todos.xslt) = todos.xslt
            span(class = code) = 'xmq todos.json transform todos.xslq to-html > todos.html'
        p {
            'And this is the generated HTMQ. '
            a(href = resources/todos.html) = todos.html
        p {
            'We can generate whitespace exact text output and still have
             a pretty printed and readable xslq-transform. The to-text commad
             will output only text nodes and substituted entities.'
            span(class = code) = 'xmq todos.json transform todosframed.xslq to-text'
            a(href = resources/todos.xslq) = todosframed.xslq
        p {
            'And this is the generated text file. '
            a(href = resources/todos.text) = todos.text
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w80 text') = &TODOS_TEXT;
        h2 = 'DTD:s and XSD:s'
        p  = 'The inline DTD is the value assigned to the !DOCTYPE.
              There are no changes the the DTD language.'
        pre(class = 'xmq xmq_light w40') = &DTD_EXAMPLE_XML;
        p = 'Since XSD:s are normal xml they are rendered as XMQ in the same way as other XML.'
        h2 = Conclusions
        p  = 'With XMQ the assumed dichotomy between mark-up languages (like XML) and key-value store languages (like JSON)
              has been (perhaps surprisingly) removed. We can now use XML for mark-up situations and XMQ for key-value
              store situations.'